Holistic Living Blog

Explore the world of holistic living with joy and discover tips to boost your well-being and energy.

Roasted veggies:  Anything goes here!  Get a big bowl and chop up any vegetables you like, such as: broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, parsnips, beets, cabbage, brussel sprouts, sweet potato, winter squash, summer squash, zucchini.  Choose vegetables that are similar in texture, for example, softer veggies like mushrooms, tomatoes, onion, summer squash, eggplant and zucchini because they […]

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Food & Nutrition


Six Pillars of Health



A seasoned educator turned Certified Integrative Health Coach on a mission to transform lives through the power of holistic living. Through transparency, compassionate coaching, and the belief in progress over perfection, I empower my clients to take control of their well-being, one nourishing step at a time.

I’m Julie Mitchell.  

Elevate Your Wellness By Transforming Your Kitchen.

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