Choose from the many delicious leafy green vegetables such as Swiss chard, kale (any variety), spinach, arugula, cabbage (especially the more delicate varieties like napa and bokchoy.). I will include a list of green vegetables at the end of this. Rinse them and separate the stalky stems or ribs and chop them into bite-sized pieces. In a hot skillet or wok add a table spoon or two of extra virgin olive oil. Add the stems/ribs and begin to sautè. You may also add onion at this time, as well as minced garlic, even chili flakes if you like. I often add chickpeas or beans to this dish, and this is where I would put those in as well. Sautè until they become soft and then add in the leafy pieces torn or chopped. Season with salt and pepper to taste. You can also deglaze with balsamic vinegar, white wine or broth if you desire. Be creative! Think soy sauce, sesame oil, add some nuts or seeds- olives, sprinkles of feta…whatever you like! Enjoy!
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